Swarmia - Notice history

All systems operational

Website - Operational

100% - uptime
May 2024 · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%Jul · 100.0%
May 2024
Jun 2024
Jul 2024

App - Operational

100% - uptime
May 2024 · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%Jul · 100.0%
May 2024
Jun 2024
Jul 2024

Notice history

Jul 2024

Delayed pull request updates affecting on-prem GitHub installations
  • Resolved
    This incident has been resolved.
  • Identified

    We have identified the issue and are working on a fix.

  • Investigating

    We are investigating elevated failure rates for synchronizing pull request data with on-prem GitHub installations. Customers using github.com are unaffected.

Jun 2024

No notices reported this month

May 2024 to Jul 2024
